"Are they all yours?", she asked from her peaceful reading chair, amidst the herb garden.
My troops descended upon her, all different sizes, all equally loud.
"Did you have them one right after the other?", she asked next.
Running after Beth, I could only manage a yes and a smile.
"What a woman!", she laughed.
This morning, the children and I headed out the door as fast as we could dress, packing whole-wheat tortillas and Clementine oranges for breakfast. Daddy worked all night long, arriving home at 6:00 a.m. Thursday is the day I must keep them quiet until at least noon, so husband can sleep.
Finally, their ages allow me to take them places without Daddy's help. Still, Beth keeps me running. God forbid I ever have to go to the restroom on these outings! I try to plan my drinking so this doesn't happen, believe it or not.
Doesn't this just scream of God's love for us, that he would create such a beautiful scene? Okay, so it's not as beautiful as the same scene with Mt. Lassen in the background (which I've seen). But still, quite beautiful, peaceful. Rest for the soul.
This is a State Park near us, which I've photographed before. A mere twenty minutes away, it's a blessing we marvel at again and again.
Today, we ate wild blackberries here, much to Beth's delight. And mine.
As soon as we left the pond area, I let her run around the rest of the trip, which was ninety more minutes. She's quite the hiker already. They all are.
Mt. Whitney, here we come! We plan to hike it as a family some day. Daddy has already been to the top, with a church singles' group--right before I met him, in fact.
Beth and I both have a couple of skorts, found at thrift stores in good condition. But boy, they are hot, with the double layer of fabric. Not such a good choice for summer, I'm finding. Husband likes them better than shorts--a leg man, you know.
I told myself that this summer, I would learn more about my camera. I am trying out all the buttons and levers, just for fun. Gotta start somewhere.

Running after a beautiful Monarch Butterfly. Yeah, butterfly! You win.
Momentarily caught. The butterfly of the day--Swallowtail. Saw at least twenty of them.
They wanted me to get a jumping shot, but as you can see, I needed to keep up with that little Missy in the background. Gotta go, boys!
My heart is all aflutter, looking at these. Especially this one. Siblings are a blessing beyond measure--borrowed or born.
The children and I played baseball and soccer back at home, later in the day. I've played with them daily for three days running. And you know what? Behavior has been superb! What a blessing, to listen and hear God's wisdom. They needed me to dwell with them more--to play.
And I noticed that after they've gone to bed these three days, I have not been emotionally exhausted, which means I'm better able to do chores after their bedtime. Things are smoothing out nicely, even in the midst of great turmoil.
Why does it take great upheaval in our lives, before we get really still before our Lord, on a regular basis? I don't mean Bible reading or prayer. I mean just being still, and listening for his Holy Spirit voice. Such wisdom, such help and blessing, comes from that.
Won't you sit a spell, too, and hear Him?