Peter expressed sadness today that the tulips outside are now spent. Every year, I feel that same longing. When I read Matthew 6 the other day, the part that resonated with Peter was this:
Matthew 6:29-32
And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.
He brought up the splendor of the tulips. Praise God that he's so engaged! I love reading to them! It seems so foolish now that I assumed young children wouldn't glean much from complicated Scriptural passages. They do! The spirit of God is there while I read; I see Him working in their little hearts. Squirrelly or not, preoccupied or not, they soak up truth. Every day I want to raise my hands to God and thank him for this new habit! Hearing the truth daily gives one a hunger and thirst for more. Amazing!
Keeping it real with this next picture:
When you make life about relationship, clothes don't get folded. Tonight, so help me, I'll get to this. Thank God for this preschool table, which we removed from the playroom due to Miss Beth's climbing habit. It now keeps my unfolded laundry off the couch.
This year we got blessed with two robin's nests. Now that we're down to one car and Daddy has it most of the waking hours (Census temporary job, coupled with school and his custodial part-time jobs), we find ourselves quite the homebodies. In his grace, God put interesting things in our midst at home, making our isolation barely noticeable.
The work of grace in our lives seems boundless. Most days, I don't feel like we're a family in financial peril. Isn't that amazing? It's Him. I can only describe it as a metaphysical lifting of us out of our circumstances--as though we are looking down on reality, but not living it. Has grace felt like that to you, at some time in your life?
This little gem is the main reason the laundry isn't folded! She is one busy baby, folks! I've had increased headaches lately, and I finally figured out that because I can't confine her anywhere anymore, I'm unable to keep up with my water drinking and snacking, and the nursing is using up what I do take in. She's my only baby who has scaled all the various "containers" this early. When she's outside, I have more opportunity to eat and drink. Fewer no no's around....and yes, we've babyproofed the house to the max!

Wet pants from the wagon.

These precious ones! They make my heart feel filthy rich and spoiled. One of the questions I'll surely ask my Lord first thing, is why some of the women who desire children aren't blessed with them. Infertility is one of the hardest things for me to understand. I know what grace is, and I'm sure they know it in their lives, in regards to this longing. But when I think of their plight, I can't help feeling guilty about the richness my children bring to my heart and life. With Mother's Day looming, these thoughts are especially hard.
Good night, friends! Those laundry baskets are calling my name. Bless you!
If I ever start a another blog this will be the title
"When You Make Life About Relationships Clothes Don't Get Folded"
There is much in that simple statement.
I love your gratitude for the preschool table getting your piles off the couch. Made me laugh. My piles are just falling off the machines :o) I tell myself if I pile it there it will make me deal with faster.
I don't comment nearly enough, but I sure love reading your blog posts!
Thanks for being such an encouragement to me!
I love this post. So many days I have to remind myself that my priority is my relationships and not making my home look like a magazine photo. I also appreciated your comments about infertility. After 9+ years of trying to concieve, I finally found my path to motherhood through adoption. I can honestly say that I am grateful for the infertility that led me to my daughter, but I still bear the scars from that season of my life. We spent in excess of $60,000 between infertility procedures and adoption expenses. The opportunity to have a large family, or even more than one child was not open to me and sometimes it still hurts. So, when you ask the Lord about this I'd like to be standing nearby to hear the answer. :-)
Oh, Liz! I am so sorry! Now that I know I will pray that God softens that painful place. I imagine people can say things that really bother you at times, about various aspects of mothering (complaining and such). Not having the size of family you want probably hurts as much as losing a member of your family, I would imagine. And it probably doesn't ever subside completely.
I'm so very sorry, Liz.
I will admit there are still comments or things that sting a bit -- my ongoing challenge is to offer that hurt up to God for healing. It's only as I am broken and healed by His grace that I can transform into the woman He might have me to be. As time has gone on I've been more able to see that people don't say the things they say to hurt. They certain things because they don't really know any better. My heavenly Father has often gently reminded me that there are so many, many things that I don't really know about either and my naive comments could be hurtful to someone else. Buttoning my lips while opening my ears and my heart is more likely to be helpful than hurtful.
Have a lovely day Mamabear! :-)
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