Monday, September 6, 2010


- Husband and our three older kids hooked up with our homeschooling friend, Elizabeth (age 8), and her father today.  They went to a National Park--its waterfall area--where newts are known to be found.  Peter and Daddy are ecstatic over the finds of the day:  female praying mantis (Daddy caught one for Peter and one for Elizabeth), 1 newt, 2 small crayfish, and a small salamander.  Thank you, Lord, for building my little boy's faith this summer.  He is yours forever!

- The copywork assigned to my boys this week was Psalm 37:4--Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.  Peter says it works.  The evidence?  1 female praying mantis, 1 newt, 2 small crayfish, 1small salamander

- My baby.  She is my last baby and she happens to love nursing, thank the Lord!  The longer she nurses, the longer I can put off saying goodbye to her babyhood.  My second pediatrician had six kids.  He told me his wife nursed their last baby, a son, until he was three--he co-slept that long too.  So, see?  I'm not a freak.

- My husband loves the Lord.

- I took a few toys out of the shed (Little People Barn and accessories).  It feels a bit like Christmas to the girls.  Neat.  Rotating a few toys at the beginning of every season works wonders for playtime.

- I made a dessert with the name "crisp" in it and for once, it tasted good!  My error all this time was softening the butter beforehand--something I regularly do for baking.  I'm about as happy as Peter tonight, over my good-tasting fruit crisp!  Praying mantises for him, fruit crisps for me.  To each his own.

-  My mother has five sisters.  One is in a nursing home near me, having recently been diagnosed with dementia/heart issues.  Her children all work outside the home, which explains the nursing home decision.  They had to choose a nursing home rated a 1 out of 5, because at first my aunt was displaying violent tendencies and no one else would take her.  Now however, her medication seems to be at a more therapeutic level; they've been working to find the right combination of medicines.  As I'm opposed to nursing homes, I would like to care for this woman, if the doctor clears her to be around children.  All this made me realize something.  The events of the past 18 months (underemployment) taught me a big lesson:  "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13  Before, these were just lofty words.  Now, they're truth for me.  A deep-down truth.  Praise God for the experiences he walks us through!

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