My Gratitude List
I am thankful for..... Peter, who this morning came up to me with Mr. Popper's Penguins in his hand, exclaiming, "I love this book! Was it recommended in Honey For A Child's Heart?" Yes, it was! In looking for the Amazon link, I see it appears to have made it to the big screen? Without cable we're oblivious to movies that come and go, and I haven't seen the inside of a movie theater in three years. I just hope kids will still read the book? Movies sometimes discourage curiosity about books, unfortunately.

...the way little Beth loves the binoculars and carries them around for fun, despite their weight. She loves looking at birds and pretending she's on safari. We're going to the library momentarily and she wants to bring them. I see no harm, though I'm not sure my husband would agree. Don't tell on me? Someone at this library loves stuffed animals. Literally, you'll find at least two hundred stuffed animal puppets (and a puppet theater) My kids have a blast with it, and I'm sure Beth will get some good safari pretending in. She says binoculars so cutely, I can't resist her right now. Paul, who right now is playing a pretend football game down the hallway next to me, featuring himself against himself. He is calling the plays, running them, defending them, breathing hard, and having himself a blast. Mary, who loves to write messages. I find them everywhere. She often comes up to me, with hopeful, begging eyes, asking me what her messages say. Out of love and mercy, I always come up with at least one word, though she writes from right to left still. She's beginning to understand the sound/symbol relationship, and soon, she will sound out three-letter words. When she asks the boys about her messages, they tell her the truth. It doesn't say anything. Then she lets out a frustrated cry, not because of ugliness, per say, but because she's so determined--the most determined of my kids, and the most stubborn. Paul prefers to teach himself and it works for him....he's so focused. Mary will take after him--as little instruction as possible, only to keep her from going astray in her knowledge. husband, who understands my frustration with Beth's many wake-ups and helps as best he can. Her wake-ups make it hard to sit down at all in the evening--to enjoy a cup of cocoa or conversation, or anything else, for that matter. He does the dishes for me when Beth is having a particularly bad night. When she sleeps, her knees get stiff from the inactivity. Then, when her body wants to change positions, it hurts to move, thus waking her.
...all the Compassion International staff who give selflessly and love abundantly. They are my heros. I wish I could give each of them a big hug. There's so little I can do, and so much they do. They see such pain, yet they instill Hope and bring about redemption, through the power of the Holy Spirit. They are not easily discouraged; He has equipped them for this labor of love.
...a letter from Divya, who writes that with the $15 she bought a jacket, a new dress, and some sweets. And what did she do with the sweets, which she probably rarely sees? She took them to church, to share with all her friends. I can't even write it without tears. What volumes that spoke to my own children's hearts, and to ours. She is so sweet.
I ache to send more so that her parents can start a business or generate income in some way. They are both laborers, working only part of the year. But I have to remember. Lack of money isn't the real problem. If God wanted Divya to receive $500, he certainly has it in the bank. Agreed? God owns the earth and everything in it. He waited for my heart and he will use its fruit. He will multiply it, beyond a jacket and a dress and some sweets. Hallelujah!
He is waiting for the heart of every person living in plenty. For us to be willing to share, as Divya shared her candy. God will take care of the rest.
And if we don't share, after knowing the need? Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord. We are studying Revelation and I know something more about God's vengeance. Just as His love couldn't be more beautiful, His vengeance couldn't be more ugly. He is to be feared!
The injustice isn't His. It's ours. We are Christians and we were saved to be the hands and feet of Jesus here on earth--not just to enjoy eternity.
You know, and I know. But how many still don't know? What can we do to spread the word? Let's commit this to prayer as the Body of Christ--for even in our churches, it isn't known. There is evidence of plenty, of waste, in almost every church I attend. Love your neighbor as yourself isn't fully understood, and how can we change that, as the Body of Christ?
It starts with our own heart, with our own prayers. How do you want to use me, Lord, from my little corner of the world? Make me your instrument of mercy and grace.
1 John 3:15-18
16 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. 17 If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? 18 Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. source
I am thankful for..... Peter, who this morning came up to me with Mr. Popper's Penguins in his hand, exclaiming, "I love this book! Was it recommended in Honey For A Child's Heart?" Yes, it was! In looking for the Amazon link, I see it appears to have made it to the big screen? Without cable we're oblivious to movies that come and go, and I haven't seen the inside of a movie theater in three years. I just hope kids will still read the book? Movies sometimes discourage curiosity about books, unfortunately.
...the way little Beth loves the binoculars and carries them around for fun, despite their weight. She loves looking at birds and pretending she's on safari. We're going to the library momentarily and she wants to bring them. I see no harm, though I'm not sure my husband would agree. Don't tell on me? Someone at this library loves stuffed animals. Literally, you'll find at least two hundred stuffed animal puppets (and a puppet theater) My kids have a blast with it, and I'm sure Beth will get some good safari pretending in. She says binoculars so cutely, I can't resist her right now. Paul, who right now is playing a pretend football game down the hallway next to me, featuring himself against himself. He is calling the plays, running them, defending them, breathing hard, and having himself a blast. Mary, who loves to write messages. I find them everywhere. She often comes up to me, with hopeful, begging eyes, asking me what her messages say. Out of love and mercy, I always come up with at least one word, though she writes from right to left still. She's beginning to understand the sound/symbol relationship, and soon, she will sound out three-letter words. When she asks the boys about her messages, they tell her the truth. It doesn't say anything. Then she lets out a frustrated cry, not because of ugliness, per say, but because she's so determined--the most determined of my kids, and the most stubborn. Paul prefers to teach himself and it works for him....he's so focused. Mary will take after him--as little instruction as possible, only to keep her from going astray in her knowledge. husband, who understands my frustration with Beth's many wake-ups and helps as best he can. Her wake-ups make it hard to sit down at all in the evening--to enjoy a cup of cocoa or conversation, or anything else, for that matter. He does the dishes for me when Beth is having a particularly bad night. When she sleeps, her knees get stiff from the inactivity. Then, when her body wants to change positions, it hurts to move, thus waking her.
...all the Compassion International staff who give selflessly and love abundantly. They are my heros. I wish I could give each of them a big hug. There's so little I can do, and so much they do. They see such pain, yet they instill Hope and bring about redemption, through the power of the Holy Spirit. They are not easily discouraged; He has equipped them for this labor of love.
...a letter from Divya, who writes that with the $15 she bought a jacket, a new dress, and some sweets. And what did she do with the sweets, which she probably rarely sees? She took them to church, to share with all her friends. I can't even write it without tears. What volumes that spoke to my own children's hearts, and to ours. She is so sweet.
I ache to send more so that her parents can start a business or generate income in some way. They are both laborers, working only part of the year. But I have to remember. Lack of money isn't the real problem. If God wanted Divya to receive $500, he certainly has it in the bank. Agreed? God owns the earth and everything in it. He waited for my heart and he will use its fruit. He will multiply it, beyond a jacket and a dress and some sweets. Hallelujah!
He is waiting for the heart of every person living in plenty. For us to be willing to share, as Divya shared her candy. God will take care of the rest.
And if we don't share, after knowing the need? Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord. We are studying Revelation and I know something more about God's vengeance. Just as His love couldn't be more beautiful, His vengeance couldn't be more ugly. He is to be feared!
The injustice isn't His. It's ours. We are Christians and we were saved to be the hands and feet of Jesus here on earth--not just to enjoy eternity.
You know, and I know. But how many still don't know? What can we do to spread the word? Let's commit this to prayer as the Body of Christ--for even in our churches, it isn't known. There is evidence of plenty, of waste, in almost every church I attend. Love your neighbor as yourself isn't fully understood, and how can we change that, as the Body of Christ?
It starts with our own heart, with our own prayers. How do you want to use me, Lord, from my little corner of the world? Make me your instrument of mercy and grace.
1 John 3:15-18
16 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. 17 If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? 18 Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. source
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