A letter came today from India, from our precious Divya, age 8, a Compassion International correspondent child.
There is quite a delay in receiving letters--more than two months for India. Here Divya responds to two letters we sent on the same day in early November, 2011, just after Paul's birthday. The first letter was a collaboration between the children and me, in which we each told Divya what we liked to do for fun, what our favorite colors and foods were, and what our favorite Bible verses were.
Her words today, they touched us so! They are praying for my Beth. Praise the Lord, oh my soul! I couldn't be more blessed right now. God speaks to me too, through these letters. The translation is rough at times, but the heart of the child always comes through. Divya would not mind me sharing her words. Her heart is to bless as many as she can!
Dear Auntie Christine,
Greetings to you in Jesus' name. I received your two letters. All the message explained by my teacher. I came to know about my friends Paul, Peter, Mary, and also about you. I was very happy to read your Bible verses. My Auntie explained the verses. The time of the verses explanation was God's blessings and he made that time to hear. I never forget your relationship.
All my family members conveyed their gratitude. They were very happy about you. Paul brother's painting was very nice. Convey my birthday wishes.
God has give you for me. We are all praying for Beth. Definitely God will heal Beth. We all give the testimony of her one day. For Beth's healing this letter will be a testimony one day.
Convey my love to her. Thank you very much for your lovely letter. Whatever sorrow God is there to heal you. Our Miss told this to you. Only God's love is enough. Our Miss also liked your letter and prayed for Beth in prayer cell.
Once again I am conveying my love.
Your Loving,
I encourage you to sponsor a child for $38/month, my friend. It will become one of the most beautiful experiences of your lifetime. Younger Compassion children dictate their letters, which can be quite short, and at first the relationship may not seem reciprocal. But as your child matures the relationship deepens and you have a piece of heaven right there in the palm of your hands at mail time, and every day at prayer time. When your child becomes too old for the sponsorship program (between 18 and 20 years old), they have the choice of continuing the relationship with you on their own. So, your kindness today could last a lifetime.
Grab a piece of heaven today, through relationship. Your prayers and letters will change a life, possibly many lives. And friend, you'll be changed.
But don't just listen to me. Here's what the Lord desires, as illustrated by his words to the Israelites, concerning the manna which fell in the desert:
Exodus 16:16-19
"This is the thing which the LORD has commanded: 'Let every man gather it according to each one's need, one omer for each person, according to the number of persons; let every man take for those who are in his tent.'" Then the children of Israel did so and gathered, some more, some less. So when they measured it by omers, he who gathered much had nothing left over, and he who gathered little had no lack. Every man had gathered according to each one's need. And Moses said, "Let no one leave any of it till morning."

There is quite a delay in receiving letters--more than two months for India. Here Divya responds to two letters we sent on the same day in early November, 2011, just after Paul's birthday. The first letter was a collaboration between the children and me, in which we each told Divya what we liked to do for fun, what our favorite colors and foods were, and what our favorite Bible verses were.
Her words today, they touched us so! They are praying for my Beth. Praise the Lord, oh my soul! I couldn't be more blessed right now. God speaks to me too, through these letters. The translation is rough at times, but the heart of the child always comes through. Divya would not mind me sharing her words. Her heart is to bless as many as she can!
Dear Auntie Christine,
Greetings to you in Jesus' name. I received your two letters. All the message explained by my teacher. I came to know about my friends Paul, Peter, Mary, and also about you. I was very happy to read your Bible verses. My Auntie explained the verses. The time of the verses explanation was God's blessings and he made that time to hear. I never forget your relationship.
All my family members conveyed their gratitude. They were very happy about you. Paul brother's painting was very nice. Convey my birthday wishes.
God has give you for me. We are all praying for Beth. Definitely God will heal Beth. We all give the testimony of her one day. For Beth's healing this letter will be a testimony one day.
Convey my love to her. Thank you very much for your lovely letter. Whatever sorrow God is there to heal you. Our Miss told this to you. Only God's love is enough. Our Miss also liked your letter and prayed for Beth in prayer cell.
Once again I am conveying my love.
Your Loving,
I encourage you to sponsor a child for $38/month, my friend. It will become one of the most beautiful experiences of your lifetime. Younger Compassion children dictate their letters, which can be quite short, and at first the relationship may not seem reciprocal. But as your child matures the relationship deepens and you have a piece of heaven right there in the palm of your hands at mail time, and every day at prayer time. When your child becomes too old for the sponsorship program (between 18 and 20 years old), they have the choice of continuing the relationship with you on their own. So, your kindness today could last a lifetime.
Grab a piece of heaven today, through relationship. Your prayers and letters will change a life, possibly many lives. And friend, you'll be changed.
But don't just listen to me. Here's what the Lord desires, as illustrated by his words to the Israelites, concerning the manna which fell in the desert:
Exodus 16:16-19
"This is the thing which the LORD has commanded: 'Let every man gather it according to each one's need, one omer for each person, according to the number of persons; let every man take for those who are in his tent.'" Then the children of Israel did so and gathered, some more, some less. So when they measured it by omers, he who gathered much had nothing left over, and he who gathered little had no lack. Every man had gathered according to each one's need. And Moses said, "Let no one leave any of it till morning."
God's plan is not that some will have too much, and others not enough. That's our own evil plan. He desires that we trust Him for our daily bread. We mustn't succumb to greed and store up, for that shows no faith. The poor exist because we store up, rather than taking a reasonable share and passing the rest to our brother. This is not government welfare I speak of...God never meant for the government to have to get involved. Taking what we need and passing the rest on is God's heart.
But how can we do it? Where does the faith come from, to obey such a command?
The easiest way is to be in need and see how God provides. That builds faith. You have a testimony of God's provision. That's happened to us many times over. If you're not in need and have no such testimony to cling to, it's harder to obey God's heart here. So pray. Pray for faith. Think of the ways God has been there for you emotionally, spiritually. In the same way, he'll be there for you at meal time.
No, he doesn't promise a house with certain dimensions, clothes from a certain store, or a car that never breaks down. If you're looking for those guarantees, you have more journeying to do with your Lord.
The numbers will not always add up. When the little boy offered his loaves and fishes, the numbers didn't work. And it didn't matter. God provided. The Lord looks at the heart. If you seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness, all needs will be provided.
And your wants? They'll melt away. And they'll stay away, for as long as you fill up on Him.
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