Friday, February 19, 2021

The Christian Mother's Guidebook Intro

I've been a mother for over 19 years now and mistakes? I've made my share. Two of my four children overflow with grace for me and the other two might be harboring ideas about my mothering that would haunt me, if I knew the whole of it. They happen to be the stubborn two, if you must know.

Contemplating my mistakes at the end of the day, sometimes unable to sleep, I sometimes wish I wasn't a first-generation Christian mom--saved only five years before my first child was born. How much better would I be doing as a mom if I had the benefit of Christian modeling? 

I confess I'm also guilty of wondering how much better my mothering would be if mental illness hadn't been in the mix for some of my kids--something I've felt ill-equipped to handle. Things became so complicated that I quit blogging some years ago. The teen years mixed with mental illness left me so stretched that I had nothing to say. I've needed ministering to, but mental illness represents territory little understood by my fellow Christians. 

The Holy Spirit doesn't let me get too far with grumbling--this why-couldn't-it-have-been-this-way complaining. I'm aware it is grumbling, rather than trusting in His divine plan, and I'm ashamed when my thoughts turn thus.

I am a Christian, due only to God's divine grace. I get to skip a fiery, forever suffering, through no merit of my own, therefore no complaining allowed. The Creator gets to be sovereign and doesn't suffer any back-seat driving. Isn't that what Job was told in no uncertain terms, when he thought things were a little unfair?

My daughters are 12 and 14, my sons 17 and 19. I have a ways to go, yes, but I have miles to look back on also. 

Let me assure you--God's grace has been with me, every one of these 19 years. If you, too, have trouble sleeping due to mothering mistakes, take heart. 

When upset some nights over my lack of mothering patience, or skill, or grace, I would finally get around to what I should have started the night with.


My spirit calmed in the quiet darkness after I prayed that God would cover my sins and mistakes with his grace. I thanked him for my beautiful children and for beautiful motherhood, and asked him to take what little I had to offer and make much of it--with his power, his wisdom, his love, his grace.

The kids are all old enough now that I can see it. The Lord has been faithful. He's answered me and his answer is YES! Though needing plenty of guidance yet, my children show wisdom and discernment in making decisions for themselves. They express gratitude for what God has given them in salvation and truth, and they mourn for the lost they encounter at their workplaces and elsewhere.

The Bible is my guidebook as a mother, but I recognize there could be more for mothers in my shoes. I found the Church was not much help because stay-at-home motherhood?  As a topic it remains controversial in the modern church, so the issues that arise for mothers home 24/7 aren't addressed. No one wants to start any mommy wars and who can blame their local church, honestly? 

I know in my own church, there aren't enough stay-at-home moms to form a group at all. There are two Women's Bible studies--one run by a grandmother and one run by two working mothers. 

All Christians sin and we all need God's grace over and over again. We have more in common than we have differences, so do we really need Bible Studies or groups that cater to different lifestyles?

Yes and no.

When I was younger in my homeschooling journey, I read an excellent Titus 2 book by a homeschooling mother and it spoke to my overwhelmed heart in just the right way. It met me right where I was at and I still remember the relief and joy I felt in reading this mother's life-giving words.

I want to write a book that will do that for first-generation Christian moms, and for Christian moms who are parenting children with mental disorders. I want to fill them with joy, confidence and grace in their journeys. It is hard to step into a role for which you had no modeling--no picture in your head for what it's supposed to look like. 

Guess what many of us do when we have no picture? We strive for perfection and crash and burn often. 

What does the Bible say about our role as Christian mothers? Can we form a picture with scripture that will help all moms? I think we can. We'll be delving into the Bible in the next weeks. 

There may be no readers left out there, which is to be expected. But should this reach anyone, let me say I hope you and your family are well and staying sane during this pandemic. God bless you!


Ashley said...

I'm looking forward to reading more. I'm a burnt out mama right now. Really enjoyed reading this!

christine said...

Thank you, Ashley! I appreciate you taking the time to read and I can certainly understand burn out. Lovely picture of you and your baby!