Monday, November 30, 2009

daily blessings - Monday

- Turkey noodle soup with corn muffins

- My Mary jumping into my arms after I change her diaper

- Peter smiling so wide after grasping a difficult math concept

- My Beth waking and standing up in my bed every morning, always with an excited smile and a go-getter attitude

- My husband's spontaneous hugs

- The Al Anon website, for teaching me that a decades-long dysfunctional relationship in my life is not my fault, and that removing myself from the dysfunction is not selfish or ungrateful, but healthy.

- Baking cookies with children; eating cookie dough with children

- Staying caught up on laundry

- French vanilla cocoa; the fact that a box of this cocoa is only a dollar

- Diversity draws loved ones closer and reveals what's really important.

- I'm wiser today than I was yesterday.

- Hearing from a dear friend, who is on a short-term mission in Africa; her ministry is going well.

- My missionary friend writing about how imaginative the village children's playtime is; there's no TV to kill their imaginations

- playing Junior Scrabble with Paul, my all-things-game lover


VWfanatic said...

You're caught up on Laundry?!! :P What's your secret? I have a "Mount Never-rest right now. Brian and the girls are watching Miracle on 34th Street down-stairs and I am thinking of joining them with a load of laundry in tow.

BTW I'm making Turkey noodle soup and cornbread tomorrow. I was going to make it yesterday but I ended up in bed with the flu all day.

Jess said...

sorry! i didn't realize i could find you here...little slow on the uptake. :)

i was going to comment on the cookies and what others do who do them as gifts. i guess i have an advantage in that my beloved does the baking of all the cookies. i do the candies and the frosting of the cookies. so our way may not be helpful..but i'll share just the same :)

a week or so before we are going to ship them out he does a baking frenzy and bakes for 2 days. then i take the baked cookies and freeze them until the day before we are going to ship where i take them out and thaw and ice them. i do the same with most of the candies...freeze them made until we are ready to ship them out.

anyhow, glad i found you. won't be a stranger, promise! :)

Christine said...

Hi Carolyn!

I can't really forget about the laundry because the washer and dryer and laundry cart are located in the dining room, behind bifold doors. I am in there schooling the boys a good portion of the day anyway.

I think yours is in the basement, or a separate room? It would be harder for me to keep up if it were out of sight--although having the noise around is a definite disadvantage.

I hope the flu doesn't go through your family. I'll pray this week and next for your health.

Hi Jess, Thank you for the cookie advice. That sounds like a good plan. How many batches of each type do you make?


Margie said...

I am so enjoying your lists of blessings! Congratulations on staying on top of your laundry. My family is quite a bit smaller, but sometimes it is difficult for us as well. I do not use a laundry basket anymore and only use laundry bags. This forces me to fold and put away before I reload the bag to take to the basement to start the next load to wash. So far this works well for me. Have fun with the cookie baking!