Tuesday, December 1, 2009

fancy cupcakes

My Mary saw me making corn muffins the other day and said, "Cupcakes!  I love cupcakes!"

She then began helping me fill the dessert cups with the muffin batter.  I told her they were dinner cupcakes, rather than dessert cupcakes, and that we call them muffins.  We hadn't had them in a while--I am just now starting in on fall soups, chili, and stews.

Later, during dinner, I sliced her muffin and put a pat of margarine on it and put it on her plate.  She eagerly picked it up, and proceeded to take a few bites.

It didn't take her long to make a determination.  Pushing her plate away, she announced, "I only like fancy cupcakes.  Fancy cupcakes are delectable!"


Anonymous said...

A girl who knows what she likes and has the vocabulary to express it!



Anonymous said...

Oops! That was me. Still getting the kinks worked out. (What's up with all the numbers?)lol


Katherine said...

That is so cute.