Monday, December 3, 2012

Multitude Monday 12/3

Beth had her rheumatology appointment this morning, during which we discussed the results of the recent blood draw. Both her inflammation markers are up, so she will start methotrexate this Sunday and take it once a week, every Sunday, for two years. Sunday after church was chosen because I have my husband's help on that day (the drug may cause nausea).

This is a chemo drug which is given in low doses to rheumatoid arthritis patients to help calm the auto-immune response, which causes inflammation in the joints. The inflammation acts as an acid on the joints, destroying them over time.

They will allow me to use the needle to inject the fluid into a spoon of yogurt so that Beth won't have to endure a weekly needle. She will, however, need to have blood drawn once every six weeks, which she detests.

While I process all this, here's a wonderful Multitude Monday post Ann Voskamp wrote. Enjoy it!

Seven Ways to Have More Grateful Kids This Christmas


Unknown said...

Oh I am sorry that this is required. Praise God for doctors that know to do these things to help. Praying for her and you my friend.

Terri H said...

Prayers for you and your sweet girl. <3

Christine said...

Thank you, Terri. I really appreciate that!

Christine said...

And you too, Tesha! Thank you.

Lisa said...

Sorry to hear this news, my friend. We will be praying that Beth won't have any bad side effects, and that the medication will work well for her.
Much love to you and your family.

Christine said...

Thank you, Lisa. I sure appreciate your and your family praying for her.