Sunday, July 25, 2010

I'm thankful...

... for this little girl, who steals my heart hourly--especially when she plays dress up.

...for this man, who spends his free moments pouring out to his children. Yes, those are athletic socks, worn with Dockers to school that day.  Yikes!  I guess I need to lay out the socks too.  Tell me I'm not the only wife who does this!  

When he told his PA buddies that he was moving to California (thirteen years ago), they laughed and told him that his clothes would never make it in CA.  

Actually, I love that he thinks there are better things to do in life than worry about clothing choices.

...for my home, a haven of rest and worship.

...for a neighborhood conducive to walks.

...for my little boy, who knots leaf stems while we walk.  I guess it takes his mind off the humidity?  Like his Momma,  he can't take real heat.

...for neighborhood flowers to gaze at while we walk.

...for cold water.

...for my little boy, who gives me dandelions as presents.

...for the jogging stroller.  Without it, I couldn't control all four of them on a street.

...for curious boys, who collect nature specimens while we walk.  He's hoping for a frog, actually.

...for this little Missy, who sings "Rain, rain, go away.  Come again another day", with her Momma.  Or at least she tries to sing the words.

...for a playroom, which for half an hour today was clean.  Ah, what a sight!

...for the privilege of having this little girl in the kitchen with me, while I made meatloaf.

...for little girls' laundry.  What a blessing!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Christine - this is beautiful! I particularly love the little girl's dresses photo and what you wrote under that! Pulled at my heart. Yes, what a blessing indeed.