Saturday, November 13, 2010

thankful for Father--that He's so close

Tonight, I'm so grateful that our heavenly Father is available to us at any moment.  How I need him!

Peter's wound needed to be washed and redressed this afternoon.  I feel so inadequate about wound care!  How I wish we could have the dressing changes professionally done.

The wound care specialist at the ER told me I could use a band aide if the wound looked good after the first home cleaning, and since I don't know how to wrap wounds well, I was grateful to hear this. It did look good, so I washed it, put on the antibiotic gel, and then covered it with a large band aid bandage.

Then, a few hours later, the bandage came off.  The wound didn't look as flat as it did when I took off the specialist's dressing.  Peter had gone outside to play, finally, after doing indoor things for two days.  Did riding his bike make it puffy and was that a mistake?  I know it's not infected--no sign of that.  And I know wounds can get puffy in the healing process.  But I worried myself so much this evening, wondering if the wound would close nicely without mishap, and wondering if I'd done something wrong.

As I was reading Little Men (Louisa May Alcott) to the boys before bed, I cried at one part, and then couldn't stop crying.

Oh my, I thought.  Am I going through perimenopause or something--is this a crying spell, a mood swing, like my sudden anger yesterday?  Or was the emotion just related to worry about Peter's finger?

I don't know, but I was too emotionally exhausted to pray with the boys, even, when I tucked them in.  All I could do was get into bed with each of them in turn, cuddling and telling them I loved them.

I'll whisper this verse over and over tonight, and go to bed early:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30


Jess said...

hoping reciting God's Word calmed your heart and mind! sweet dreams (a day late!). thanks for your thoughts/reflections on motherhood- feeling insignificant the other day. understood that, related to that.

praying for peace that transends understanding to guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus! (phil. 4:7)

Christine said...

Thank you, sweet Jess! Peter read about Kiersten really liking Thanksgiving food, and said, "She's just like me! That's my favorite part about Thanksgiving too--the food!"

I had to chuckle at that letter. So cute! Made me want to squeeze the stuffy out of your little Kiersten. I do love children so much! Her letter reminded me of that.