Psalm 75:1
We give thanks to you, O God, we give thanks, for your Name is near; men tell of your wonderful deeds.
My Gratitude List
~ Miss Beth finishing her nap in my happy arms.....me, awed by the blessing she is.
~ Putting a towel around a shivering poolside toddler
~ Husband feeling positive about a job interview (he has a 20-hour job and a 30-hour job...this would be a replacement for the 30-hour job (much better hours, slightly better pay, paid sick and holiday time, pay raises, vacation after a year). In a recessed economy, you do the best you can.
~ Miss Mary being the perfect sister........she's Paul's art companion, Peter's nature companion, Beth's playroom companion.
~ Peter sitting by the kiddy pool with his bird field guide
~ An eight-year-old penpal from India....filling my heart like one of my own
~ Huge (larger than my girls) stuffed dog at the library, delighting my girls
~ Titus Treefrog delighting my children as he snatches up crickets with lightening speed (now that's an exciting pet!)
~ The Holy Spirit having me drift in and out of prayer all day
~ Peter passing me in the hallway, telling me, "I prayed for our penpal...that she would not be hungry today." Hugging my thanks, I fight back the tears. The Holy Spirit lives in my son! Hallelujah! I knew it was so, but when I see evidence like this, I'm still awed.
~ Changing a messy number two--done in a bathingsuit with no swimmy diaper--that required a shower, then having my toddler say, "Kiss me?" as she happily went back out to play. Oh, the sweetness of that kiss..and the smile that accompanied it. I won't miss diapers, but I'll greatly miss the little people who wear them! Sniff, sniff.
~ Never tiring, year after year, of watching monarch caterpillars become monarch butterflies. The imagination God has! So enchanting to witness!
~ Boys filling a balloon with water and freezing it, so they can play bowling on the driveway with water bottles from the recycling box, using their ice ball. :) They learned that it takes more than one day to solidly freeze the water. This is try #1. George, that curious monkey, put them up to this. The new library we're using has episodes they haven't seen. So daily it seems, they are trying new science and engineering-type schemes.
~ Playing Jenga as a family
~ Miss Mary asking questions about the breakfast Bible passage
FYI: The number to call for a Compassion penpal......800-336-7676
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