Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Few Big Blessings

~ My sweet Mary, excited after exchanging Valentines at AWANA, talked long last night in bed. She whispered in my ear, so as not to awaken little sister: "We're supposed to wear clothes next week for what we want to be when we grow up. I want to be a princess when I grow up, Mommy, so I'm going to wear my princess dress." Oh, the sweetness of a five-year-old whispering that in my ear. My heart wanted to bow down at the Lord's feet right there, thanking him for my two daughters--conceived when I was 40 and 42 years old. They have a wrinkled Mommy, but she's an incredibly grateful wrinkled Mommy.

~ Peter received his Time Tales DVD two weeks ago, and he's progressed more in multiplication in that time than in the previous year and a half. I can't recommend this program enough for memorizing the more difficult multiplication facts The student learns a few simple stories and recalls those stories when faced with a multiplication fact. The numbers become the characters in the story. For example, 9 is a tree, 4 is a chair, 3 is butterfly, etc. At first, to the parent, it might seem too simple and a waste of money ($40), but the child soaks up the mnemonic devices quickly and learns the facts in no time. Praise God for this resource, created by two moms!

The Lord patiently reminded me that every child can learn; it's just a matter of finding the right method. This philosophy has been mine all along, but the more Peter struggled and raged, the more I began to lose faith. God was faithful to lead me to the right source and provide the money.

Homeschooling blesses all involved, no matter how hard individual days might seem. Just like any aspect of parenting, we are incapable on our own, but with His strength, wisdom, and blessing, our imperfect efforts bear much fruit. No one cares more about your child's spiritual walk, heart, or success, than you do. The pull of your heart toward your child drives you to give up your own way quickly, seeking Him for answers. All blessings flow from seeking Him. The less we challenge ourselves, the less we seek Him.

There are many reasons to say no to homeschooling, but don't let insecurity be one of them! Our insecurity is a sign that our eyes are on ourselves, rather than on Him.

~ Peter's AWANA verse teacher told Peter that he was missed last week. My kids were all absent due to Mary's illness; she was too nauseous to ride in the car. Peter smiled shyly as he told us. I felt so blessed I had to plant kisses on that soft cheek. Praise God for a ten-year-old who still lets me plant kisses! And praise God for loving AWANA helpers.

~ Paul said that one girl, Loralee, really loved the foamy Valentine he'd designed. She told him she would use it as a Christmas ornament every year, remembering that he gave it to her. No romanticism here, just one child showing appreciation for another. He really worked hard on his Valentines and they were very special. "They all liked the Valentines, Mommy. I didn't know they liked me so much. I thought I was just normal, like everyone else." Praise God for little Loralee, who made my boy feel so special. He will remember that his hard work blessed; he' ll remember that it feels great to be a blessing.

The power of Love, expressed through words and action, always amazes. For another testimony to the power of Love, read this:

~ Daddy gets home at 7:00 PM and we're alone with Beth for an hour on AWANA night, before he leaves to pick up the others and I put Beth to bed. That time blesses all three of us. She soaks up the extra parental love and attention, charming and blessing Mommy and Daddy. Her daddy is such a treasure to her!

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