Monday, February 1, 2010

ring around.....

Baby Beth does the funniest thing when I make a deep-voiced cow moooooo.

She immediately leaves the book and comes at me laughing nervously, as though my voiced scared her.  She  loves my "quack quack" and my "cock a doodle doo".  But my mooo?  Scary.

Ring around the rosey
Pocketful of posey

Ashes, ashes
We all fall down!

When the children feel sassy,
And the mess is out of hand,
And there's no chocolate,
And you just changed your tenth diaper,
And you're more focused on your list than your children.....

I highly recommend Ring Around the Rosey.

You'll end up in a heap of hugs and kisses,
And your day will take a sharp turn toward wonderful.

See if it ain't so.

Did you see Sally Clarkson's two recent posts on her personal blog, I Take Joy?  I can't wait to read her books.  She has such a heart for the Lord and for her children!  I find it precious.  I'm so glad we can find Titus 2 women on the Web. I certainly can't afford to go to any mom conferences, although I'd love to see Sally!


Paula said...

I love seeing the family pics you post.

I have a sign on my living room wall that says "A Good Laugh is Sunshine in a House". I bought it at the dollar store a year or so ago when I really needed to be reminded about how important it is to laugh with your family.


Terri Tiffany said...

I agree with Paula, I love seeing your pictures here:) You are really blessed but the children are even more!!