Friday, February 5, 2010

resting and drinking

Galatians 5:22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

After six weeks of wellness, a cold virus attacked--just in time for the homeschooler Valentine party occurring on the 10th.  Little hearts here ache to attend, especially since illness hit last Christmas as well, causing us to miss that party.

"Bedrest and fluids!  You have to do them if you want to go!" we implore.

While we could take them sick, it wouldn't teach sacrificial love toward others--instead it would teach selfishness.  I grant you it's different when the outing is mandatory, like public school or a job.  But a party?  Different rules.  We can't skip life for half the winter, but during the worst of the coughing, sneezing and drainage, I try to keep them confined.

It takes so much self-control for them to rest and drink!  And similarly, it takes self-control for us to remain firm but compassionate throughout.  After all, we're over-tired, sick and miserable ourselves, during these outbreaks.

I used to dread waves of illness and felt cursed by them.

But suddenly, I see opportunity!

They present a key time for parents to display the spiritual fruit spoken of in Galatians 5:22.  Children won't remember specific illnesses, but they'll remember the extra love--making it second nature for them to behave similarly when people are in need.

God wants us to display the fruits of the spirit each and every day, of course.  But in times of trial, even more so.  It's more of a testimony of God's grace.

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