Thursday, February 4, 2010


Paul's brunch prayer:

Dear Lord,

Thank you for my family.  Thank you for all you provide.  Thank you for everything in the world.  Thank you for the food.  Thank you for the little bit of money.  Thank you for the sunshine.  May we get more money.


Oh, how I needed this prayer--funny though it was!  The baby woke me early after a rough night of molar teething.  I foolishly went to bed at 1:30 a.m., even while anticipating a poor night of sleep.  Anyhow, I did three hours of housework, which has become my standard routine--starting school at 9:00 or 10:00 a.m., after doing laundry and floors and decluttering from the day before.  The children play, color, read books, watch a library video, or do crafts during this time.  Daddy is usually sleeping in due to late nights of working and studying.  The baby stays happily engaged with her siblings.

Peter is off any ADHD medicine, so at times he talks incessantly, not having any social sense about giving people space.  After two solid hours of him following me around, talking non-stop, asking questions, it was all I could do to avoid primal screaming.  In my mind, I begged the Lord to release me from a very bad mood.

And then the Lord gave Paul this brunch prayer.  And my heart?  It melted and I discreetly wept my thankfulness.

Bad mood gone.  Gratitude back.  Heart repentant.

He is SO faithful!

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