Wednesday, March 31, 2010


The Simple Mom blog published a list of the fruits and veggies containing the highest amount of pesticide.  We happen to eat from this list regularly!  Washing with just water doesn't protect, because the pesticides are designed to be water resistant (due to rain). The article suggests that we buy a special wash, or wash them with vinegar and water.

Can life get any more complicated???????

Wouldn't it be easier to just work the land and grow all our own food?

Is your head spinning yet?

1 comment:

Sandi said...

I have seen this list other places too. I try to buy organic for things we don't peel and eat lots of like apples and pears. But oranges, bananas, cucs I leave.
You can drive yourself crazy trying to do it all. Your doing great by avoiding processed stuff and cooking from scratch.
It's a huge change to make in itself.