Saturday, March 27, 2010

a quick prayer request

Not too many read blogs on the weekends.  Just in case a few of you do tune in, I'm asking for a quick prayer.  My nerves have gotten the best of me.  I'm dealing with a horrible case of hives.  The itching is driving me insane, and they've distorted my lips and eyes and hands.  Benedryl is helping some with the itching, but it's been over 24 hours and there's no sign they're going away.

Thank you!


Paula said...

I'm here checking blogs before church this morning. I'll be praying for you today! I know you're miserable in more ways than one. Praying for peace that passes your understanding and healing from hives and itching. :(

Margie said...

Praying for you sweet lady. I pray that this passes soon!

Christine said...

Thank you for the prayers. The hives are still going strong Sunday eve. I'm praying that when I wake up tomorrow morning, they'll be miraculously gone.

I think my brain has finally convinced my heart that we will lose the house, which will mean moving to Las Vegas to reside with my dad. The economy is horrible there right now--no better than Ohio, possibly worse.

Anyhow, I need the prayer. Thank you so much.

Terri Tiffany said...

I've been trying to figure out how to get over here and found you finally as your name doesn't link. Will pray now for you!!!!

Terri Tiffany said...

PS I am so so sorry to hear about your loss of your home! I know so much how you feel as we are barely surviving down here. I am going to pray even more now!