Friday, March 26, 2010

on humor

My clock says eleven forty-nine.  But this day can so end right now, far as I'm concerned.  Only my six year old behaves lately.   The rest listen not.  The baby sleeps not.   I walk around trying to figure out what I've done wrong.

But I know what I've done wrong.

Financial worries weigh on me.  My parenting focus falters.

God will, I suspect, come through for us.  Somehow though, knowing that doesn't help with the weariness.

More time in the Word will help.  Only sometimes emotional exhaustion makes disciplined reading difficult.

Have you been there?

I'm here talking to you, so I can avoid saying something I'll regret to my eight year old.  I love him dearly, but stressful times for Momma mean that his ADHD symptoms rise exponentially.  His condition remains incentive to dwell close to the Almighty, daily drawing strength from that connection. Sometimes I am better at focusing on the blessings associated with his condition.  Today?  Not so much.

And what do I find online?  A little humor.  From the Pioneer Lady.  Rich and famous, she shares nothing of my experience.  And yet God has gifted her to help.  Humor is a gift.  We don't appreciate it nearly enough, until it proves our saving grace.

Self focus.  A detrimental sin.

Yet, we never learn.

The beauty of humor lies in its ability to bounce our focus immediately off ourselves.  Much of published humor rings foul, but we can't let that detract from the fact that God invented humor.  I see it as a packaged gift for the taking--a blessing.

Read about The Pioneer Woman's texting adventures.


Paula said...

Love The Pioneer Woman!

And empathize completely with you.


It's going to be okay. I promise.

Sandi said...

I have been there. I'm sorry things are hard I really do feel for you. This is the first year we haven't struggled in 12 total.
One day at a time.

Just loosing myself for a few hours in enjoying my kids....happy, laughing and full of life does wonders.
He won't let you down though that doens't mean the ride isn't painful.


Christine said...

Thanks for the love, Ladies! I appreciate your empathy.

Evenspor said...

We've all been there. Hopefully things will go better tomorrow, and the next week. Opposition in all things. I don't think we'd appreciate our kids as much if they weren't completely frustrating at times. Doesn't make those times any easier, though, does it?