Monday, May 16, 2011

I leave you with something--Audio Bible Online

In doing some research for a series on prayer, I found an online audio Bible website.  Just think, you can listen to Scripture while sweeping your floor, while changing diapers, while loading your dishwasher.  What a blessing!

I don't have enough research done to start my series, so I wanted to leave you today with the Audio Bible Online website.  Of course, it can't replace reading the Bible, but for your auditory learners--and for moms who want more time in Scripture--it's a great tool!

I recently began the Book of James with the children at the dinner table.  We just listened (after downloading RealPlayer) to the two chapters we've already been through--James 1 and 2.  I didn't require the children to remain seated like I do at the dinner table, but in time, as my family grows up, I will.



Laura said...

Wonderful, Christine! Thank you! I'm like to hold it in my hand and devour that way, but this is a great resource.

Sandi said...

Thanks for sharing this.

I do prefer to read myself but it is amazing what my kids pick up from listening.