Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Failure and a Redemption

Derby Cars

Linking with Emily @ imperfect prose

So, tonight?

The AWANA Derby. Always a long-anticipated event around here.

The preschoolers (Cubbies) and the K-2 crowd (Sparks) pick out their favorite Hot Wheel car and bring it to church for the race. I don't know what other families do, but in our house each of our cars is tested and retested on our Hot Wheel track, until a clear awesome winner emerges. I don't actually participate in this, but I listen from the kitchen and I must say, I love it.

The three older children take it very seriously and discuss their cars. And their options. Negotiations ensue and somehow, everyone is happy. We have our fair share of Hot Wheel cars.

I recently told them to pick out their favorite 15 cars, so the rest could be taken to Goodwill. Only, I never actually got around to taking the bag of cars, and the girls rediscovered them recently. That ended up being a blessing, because Mary won first place tonight with one of the cars from the Goodwill bag!

The Cubbies exuded charm from every pore and I rediscovered, while watching them, how much I love children. All children. They all have something special, instilled in them by a loving Heavenly Father. I delight in discovering what that is for every child.

Then the Sparks came in, and they too, delighted. The Cubbies were merely tickled by this whole race thing, but the Sparkies? They brought a whole new energy into the room. Loud cheering and contagious delight. They were so excited, they could barely concentrate on the AWANA missionary's instructions. Paul won third place with his car, and as far as he was concerned, it was like first place. He radiated.

The Truth and Trainers (3-6) are given a kit to make an ash wood car. The cars must be cut, sanded, painted, and lastly, the wheels put on. It's a precise business. A serious business. Parents (mostly Dads) get very involved and treat it like a graduate school dissertation in their kids' lives.

Only husband and I? We didn't know this, see. And we didn't know to put weights on the car. So my precious Peter? His car didn't even make it to the finish line once in four separate races. As he returned to his seat, the tears welled up. Sadness and shame overwhelmed him. I could see the tears getting more serious, so I took Beth's hand and Peter's hand and we went out to the parking lot to talk this through.

Last place. What does a mother do with that, after the other two siblings both got ribbons?

I had no words, except that in the Kingdom of God, the last shall be first. This concept's been taught many times to Peter, but tonight, it didn't go over very well.

So I prayed for wisdom. But mostly, for redemption of the failure.

Peter calmed in good time and the three of us went back to the race.

Kind, wonderful people spoke to my husband and offered to help us with the cars next year. We'll be making two next year--one for Paul and one for Peter, while Mary and Beth get to bring Hot Wheel cars again.

The girl who won first place walked up to my Peter and said, "You should have won first place." What an angel! AWANA teaches them, through competition, to rejoice with those who rejoice, and to mourn with those who mourn. This little girl? She gets it. Peter was very touched by her kindness.

After all the festivities were over, I ran into Peter's verse teacher, who is like a grandpa to Peter. I told him how much I appreciate his love and attention to Peter.

And then, the redemption I prayed for. The Lord really delivered.

The verse teacher said this to me:

 "Oh...well thank you for working with him. He's one of the best Bible students I've ever had. He works hard, takes it seriously, and he's got a firm foundation in the Word. These other children, they don't even care to be here. They just fool around. Peter never does that."

It was all I could do to keep from crying, so I just kept smiling and telling him thank you, over and over.

Then, overcome with emotion, I glanced over at Peter. Try as he might, he just couldn't stop smiling.

The Lord is so faithful. My heart ached for my son, but now it rejoices. My Redeemer lives!


Unknown said...

Oh that just warms my heart (((Peter))) what a good boy. I know as a mothers we really rejoice to hear these things. My 10 year old is very sensitive and very competitive. Peters response reminds me of my Jesse. How it hurts to loose. I think it is clear he won the best prize, a good word spoken in due season.

Christine said...

Thank you, Tesha. You are such an encourager!

Sandi said...

Love how God works these things the way he does.

Lisa said...

What a sweet story! And hurray for Peter! :) It's a compliment to you, too, as a mother...and how wonderfully you're rooting your children in the Word of God. Keep on keeping on..and keep on looking up. (Titus 2:13)
Much love!

Mommy Emily said...

this made me want to cry. how God shone through that little girl... i love how he cares about all of life, about everything...

Brian Miller said...

big smiles..i love to see kids that really get it...and loving on other kids....

Christine said...

Thank you, to all, for stopping by. I appreciate your visits and your encouragement!