Tuesday, January 19, 2010

thoughts on Haiti

Like you I'm profoundly affected by the scenes from Haiti.  For two days I've studied the Bible, in search of answers.  I know the short answer: all suffering is the result of the fall of man.  But I wanted something more specific to help me deal with the images and realizations.  Why did this have to occur to the poorest nation in the western hemisphere?  Ideas are swirling in my head, but I want to know what the Bible has to say.  What can it offer us as we watch the devastation worsen, knowing that small babies will die soon, if formula doesn't arrive?  

I'm not satisfied with my Scripture findings thus far.  I want more.  My search will continue and I'll get back here soon to report.  In the meantime, I like this quote, by Christian writer Margaret Clarkson:

"Pain is pain.  Sorrow is sorrow.  It hurts.  It limits.  It works devastation deep within personality.  It circumscribes in a thousand different ways.  There is nothing good about it.  But the gifts that God can give with it are the richest the human spirit can know."

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