Sunday, January 24, 2010


Counting some blessings

- Beth is such a happy baby.  She runs toward each of us throughout the day, arms outstretched, babbling something happy as she jumps into our arms.  It just doesn't get any better than her sugar-and-spice, full-of-life ways!

- The children love and enjoy each other.  We're imperfect at meeting all their needs--it will always be that way.  In each other, they have so much!

- The Sunday Ladies Bible Study proved worthwhile.  They've chosen a professional video study with accompanying book.

- Not long ago we started scheduling love-making time. It doesn't sound romantic, true; we resisted doing it for a long time.  I can say it has proven to be a blessing!  No more misunderstandings. I highly recommend this if one of you works evenings, or if you have very young children or special needs children.  Life can be so draining; opting for sleep instead becomes tempting.  Consider that without scheduling it your overall intimacy suffers, making you less willing to extend grace toward one another.

Short list.  Some cocoa and my Bible calls.  A bit of a rough day.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Great ideas! Blessings are everywhere. :O)