Saturday, May 5, 2012

Saturday Devotions 5/5

Fine Art Print of Morning prayers by Peter Jackson
Morning Prayers
Peter Jackson

Saturday Devotions
Today's Text: James 3:13-18

Two Kinds of Wisdom

13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. 14 But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. 15 Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. 16 For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.

What I love about this? The knitting together of humility and wisdom. We cannot live rightly without knowing our position before God. Christ's blood is the only reason we can talk to God, and be heard, at all. Our faith in Christ's blood inputs righteousness to us, but we still fall. We still sin and live for ourselves. We are still nothing without Him. So when we think of our position, we must think lowOnce we have that mindset, we're open to the Holy Spirit's leading, which brings true wisdom. 

Want a visual picture of this concept? The Christian on her knees before God. Worshiping, thanking, asking. If you're in prayer and in the Word, you've already arrived at something crucial. I am nothing without Him. Feel that in your bones. Breathe it with every rise and fall of your chest. Understanding that one sentence changes everything: I am nothing without Him.

Carve out that time and you'll fall in love with your Heavenly Father. Your devotional time won't be a chore. It'll be a meeting with your beloved. You'll become humble in His presence. You'll want more and more of  Him. Less and less of you.

A touchy subject comes to mind as I read these verses. Please don't be offended. I don't judge with these words. They speak of a general cultural trend that I find very concerning. All of us who use social media need to be aware of this phenomena. No one is immune.

In line at the grocery store this week, I stood behind an early twenties man who checked his high-tech phone twice in ten minutes. Was it a Facebook or Twitter contact, or a text, he was hoping for? 

He's not the only one. Everywhere I go...libraries, stores, post offices...people check their phones. I recently read about a woman who was playing on Facebook and accidentally let her baby drown. What have we become? As addicted as the worst drug addict, wanting to be acknowledged, validated. "For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice."

We want more followers, more exposure, more likes than the next guy. Envy and selfish ambition? Yeah, that's us. The social media generation.

No, it's not evil to check stats. But are you addicted? Here's how to know: When your phone or Internet is down and you can't check your numbers, you become anxious, angry, depressed. You can't concentrate on anything else. You never go far from your phone.

Addiction of any kind is ugly, destructive. It's bondage. 

Do you want to be free? Understand what's happening to you. Checking your numbers may give you a temporary high. That's why your brain continually does it. Know this: There isn't a single person who can give you worth. Your worth comes from God, and your relationship with Him. 

Go offline for as long as it takes. Learn what freedom from bondage feels like. If you run a business and need the Internet and social networking, set time limits. Get some accountability from a trusted person. Increase your Bible and prayer time. Pray for deliverance each time you're tempted to do a frivolous check. Involve yourself in useful tasks. Get out into nature and experience the beauty of God's splendor.

This addiction talk may sound ridiculous. So many people do the same thing. If everyone is doing it, can it be wrong? Yes! Addiction is always wrong. The thing you're addicted to becomes your god...your focus.  "Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic"

God has a focus for you...serving Him in all you do. Bringing Him glory. 

A person continually humbled by being in the presence of God doesn't need followers to validate her. She's validated by her relationship with God. God created us with a spiritual thirst. And only He can quench it. When we try to quench our thirst any other way, "there you find disorder and every evil practice."

Prayer Time:  Dear Father, thank you for having a grip on my heart and life. Thank you for your faithfulness. Give me a powerful desire to be in your presence. Humble me each day and give me true wisdom. Holy Spirit, redirect me when I fall prey to envy or selfish ambition. Give me a pure heart. Deliver me from any bondages I may have.

In your name, Amen.

17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving,considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18 Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.

Prayer Time:  Dear Father, how beautiful are these words. Make me pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. I want to reap a harvest of righteousness. Change me, Father. Help me to hunger and thirst for only you. These aren't empty words, Father. I know your transforming power. Make me responsive to the Holy Spirit, always.

In your name I pray, Amen.


Unknown said...

Christine this is a really great post! I have to tell you my story with all of this. We do not have TV and before Jonathan Died I went on the computers about 3 times a week for 30 min to check emails. When Jonathan went to Heaven I wanted to start a blog, and then I discovered that I could make friends that had lost babies. Then someone told me about a support group on Facebook. ALL of these thing have been very helpful for me during this time in my life. However I can see that if I do not continue to give it to the lord it could become a hindrance. I blog alot right now because I have insomnia and stay up most the night. I hope to be pregnant soon and that will change...I am a very sleepy pregnant girl. I can see when that time comes I will have to cut out the things that are not beneficial and mange my time wisely. Choosing what blogs to read, like yours that speaks to my heart and encourage me in my walk with God. So I have been very blessed by social media and it has not hindered me, but I can see that it could become a problem. I have an old fashioned phone so when I am away from the computer I am away :) Well as always I rally appreciate your words of wisdom and Godly advice! Thank you for the wise post.

Christine said...

You have been such an encourager and teacher for your readers! I agree connecting online can be such a blessing.

I know that ache for a child after a loss. It's so powerful. Your sweet face comes to me daily and I'm praying, knowing the depth of your heartache. Love to you, Tesha.