Sunday, August 5, 2012

Caveat on a Bible Study Reference I Gave

I recommended a Bible study series on the Armor of God a short while ago. I liked the series, but because you have to read the fine print on Bible sites (especially if you're going to recommend them), I asked my husband to read through the doctrinal statement of the parent site (United Church of God). At first glance I didn't see serious red flags, other than a few unnecessary things about clean meat, Jewish feasts, and the correct day for worship. I didn't care for any of these "extras", listed way at the bottom of their other doctrines, but wasn't willing to throw out a good study because of them. At that point.

Husband, the Bible scholar around here, has some serious reservations about some points of their doctrinal statement (a Rob Bell kind of feel). Also, they don't directly mention the Trinity. He didn't tell me his concerns right away because he didn't know I had already given the Bible study recommendation. While some of their Bible study materials might line up well with Scripture, that may not be true of others.

Reading through any doctrinal statement can be intimidating. They are often very long and quite theological. Sorry I missed important items, and I'm also sorry for including the reference without first waiting for husband to look over the parent site.


Unknown said...

What a good testimony you are! Thank you for shining bright as a godly wife with a humble heart.

Christine said...

Thank you, friend. I'm happy to hear you are all home safely!