Tuesday, May 18, 2010

history resource for home and public-schooled students

Lately I'm seeing more and more reviews on the history collection entitled, The Story of the World, by Susan Wise Bauer.  She writes these volumes in story form, with no cumbersome attention paid to obscure details.  I'm definitely purchasing the first volume for our new year, should I be so blessed to find a used copy.  Go here for an excellent review with accompanying links for purchase.

Your auditory learner will glean much from having these read aloud.  Your visual learner will need to reread them himself at another time.  Both learners will retain more from these than they would from a traditional history textbook.

Definitely a winning purchase for your children, whether they are homeschooled or not!  Public schools are largely neglecting the content areas, so all children will benefit from these storied history volumes (four total).

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