Thursday, June 24, 2010

See The People

Most of us are either task-oriented or people-oriented.  Mary or Martha.  I'm sure there are caveats for the Marys among you, but I wouldn't know about those.  I'm a Martha.

If you're a Martha, it'll be reflected in how your daughter talks to her dolls.  You'll hear the words "busy" and "work" somewhere in there.

Will you smile the first time you hear your daughter say to her dolly, "Not now.  Momma's got work to do."

Or will you mourn?

When your daughter and son grow up, what props will they overwhelmingly associate with the word Momma?  A broom, dishtowel, Windex bottle, and vacuum cleaner?

Or a storybook, ready hug, spontaneous walk, and impromptu batch of cookies?

Leave them with fond memories.

Learn to pass through a room and see the people, not the mess.

You can't keep up with the messes anyway, so why focus on them?  Do the dishes and laundry.  Wipe sticky stuff off the floors, and anything pale-yellow looking.  Forget the rest until your kids are old enough to help--which is sooner than you think.  It takes consistent training for a month or so to get kids over six helping quite a bit.

Your future happiness, and theirs, depends on Martha's development of selective vision--the people, not the tasks.

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