Monday, June 14, 2010

why we must count

It's never a good idea for me to cry.  Turns out it's a migraine trigger.  But Ann Voskamp simply doesn't care about my migraines, darn her.  She's gone and written an incredibly beautiful piece about why we must count our blessings.  Why we must.  We. simply. must.

It's a life boat essential.

My blessings:

- a husband who is true

- a husband full of grace

- a husband who loves me, in all my hormonal negativity (God help me--I become wholly different in my view of life for at least 48 hours.  I can't find hope.)

- a nursing baby

- writers like Ann

- writing, to tell Jesus about the hurts

- four children who live passionately

- sufferers, taught by Jesus to comfort us, specifically

- monarch caterpillars and my son and husband who love them

- the ice cream stand behind which we can always find monarch caterpillars on the milkweed

- my food-loving, boy-chef eight year old who I sent to Google a homemade brownie recipe.  Instead he brought me something with beef that he wants to make for dinner tonight (smile).

- the job interview my husband had today (no matter the outcome, interviews are good practice)

- my three-year-old sweetie, who pointed to a train picture and asked, "Does this begin with T?"

- rain, rain, more rain.  It can be miserable, but it makes things

- meal-time Scripture


As part of our meal-time Scripture, we've gone through Proverbs, Matthew, and we're still making our way through Psalms.  Recently we also started Luke.

Today we came across this:

Luke 10:3,4
Go!  I am sending you out like lambs among wolves.  Do not take a purse or bag or sandals; and do not greet anyone on the road.

Can you imagine?  What faith!  Think of it for a moment.

Question:  Would you have stuffed something in your pocket?

What would it have been?

- water?
- lipstick?
- chocolate?
- money?
- a knife?

I'm curious.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Thank you for your sweet words over at the Wellspring tonight. It means so much. Is there something I can pray for you too? Broken from the start makes for a tough beginning. But, oh, yes, we count out blessings. This one from Ann made me cry and cry.