Saturday, June 26, 2010

some blessings and wonders

- steady laughter from the kiddy pool

- Shivering pool bodies, needing Momma's warmth

- Joy and wonder-filled firefly jaunts

- Momma Robin feeding her second family

- Eight-year-old son, who carefully chooses where to put the kiddy pool, so as not to upset Momma Robin's nearby nesting

- Multiple bug containers, filled, on the living room Armour (out of baby's reach)

- Tired, sun-drenched kids, ripe for afternoon cuddles

- Baby soft lips on my breast, taking in God-designed sustenance with a side dish of love and comfort

- A baby who felt better, seemed happier, calmer, gifting me with sweet smiles, tender kisses, tickled-out giggles

- A suddenly potty-taught preschooler, living as though she'd donned Dora panties all her life

- Helping preschooler put her panties right side out, after each potty visit

- My boys, no longer given to bed wetting

- My boys sharing a fascinating journey with me through Dr. Dolittle and the Green Canary - Hugh Lofting weaves a tale like no other.  My new favorite children's author (deceased, sadly).

- Hard-loving, hard-working husband, who passes through the kitchen and tells me my legs are beautiful (not mentioning or apparently noticing the extensive varicosities on my shins)
- I've warned my husband that when Beth is finished nursing, my *reasts will look like those out of National Geographic.  He doesn't believe me, but says that even if it's true, he'll still love them.  I keep trying to prepare him, and he keeps trying to brush it off.  I'm not sure I can even call this a blessing.  Hope so.  Time will tell.  All other nursings were followed by new pregnancies, hiding the effects.

- Mary and Paul, who wake up in cuddling moods (the other two wake up on the move).

- Beth's bedroom cleaned out today, spruced up for sister-in-law's (Lorrie's) July 4th weekend visit

- Excited kids, eager to enjoy Auntie's gentle love

- Boys' room cleaned out today, spruced up for husband's best friend, who drives from PA with Lorrie this visit.  A physically-handicapped man (hand and arm), he never found a wife, sadly.  He lived with his mother always, whom he just lost.  He has a lonely journey ahead, as deteriorating health forced him on disability, which will be isolating.  Please pray for him?  He is churched, but doesn't put his faith directly in Christ.

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