Saturday, April 24, 2010

This is grace

This is grace.  Beautiful short video--just over a minute.  I watched it from the John Piper Desiring God blog.  Click on the green sentence.


Sandi said...

I watched this a few days ago and just cried. There is suspicion that my guy in on the spectrum and their video really touched me.
ALL children are a gift but there is a grieving process involved. I think I am still there. Not because I think my child is flawed but because of my own expectations.
He has taught me so much about grace too that I never would have gotten other wise. I am sure there is more learning to come.

Christine said...

I am grieving still too, Sandi. I completely understand. It's so hard not to grieve when you're in the first decade of coping. I've read that ADHD and autism are similar in terms of the parental stress involved.

I am also very much in love with my son every day. The emotions exist together--love and grief.

I will pray, Sandi. The wondering is hard, too. I'm sorry, my friend!