Thursday, April 29, 2010

on envy and perfection

I read this quick post today about the envy related to blog hopping.  Thought it was worth sharing.

No matter who you are, you'll be more comfortable in your own skin after age forty.  You probably noticed a confidence perk after thirty?  Another layer of that arrives by your forties.  You'll make far fewer comparisons between yourself and others, and you'll put envious feelings to rest quickly.  Not to mention, you'll leave the perfect mom syndrome behind you.

The reason?  Life experience--simple as that.  As gravity punches you in the face, rendering you shriveled, your mind is busy gathering information about how God gifts each person uniquely.  A greater level of humility comes with the wrinkles, too, as you learn how weak, dumb and inadequate you really are.

The very young and the very old quickly see their need for God.  But those of us in the prime of life?  (20's, 30's, 40's)?  We feel invincible and capable, falsely.  After getting to the end of ourselves enough times, we finally get it!  And then the fifties hit.  Sweet.

Just think, by age seventy you'll have the wisdom of Solomon....all is not lost!

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