Sunday, April 11, 2010

swooning over pics

She's always happy!  And I'm always pinching myself.  Do I really have two daughters?  Two?  I never thought I'd have any!

I like berries!  Big brother and Mommy do too.  I guess we'll be fightin' over 'em for years to come.

I'm at a church function, having a good ole time!

A slide!  I need to get me one!  Fun!

Sister is hanging out too.

Everyone around here just loves me!  Know what I'm sayin'?

What am I supposed to do again? (We did this the Sat. before Easter, rather than on Easter.  Thus, no frilly Easter dress in the pic.)

Daily Blessings for Saturday:

- My baby.  If I say "Praise God!", she puts her arms and hands up to the heavens and laughs.  Life. doesn't. get. any. better!

- My house is clean.

-  I read the Bible three times today.

- My kids are fun.

- My kids are cute.

- My kids are vibrantly alive.

- My kids are not driving me crazy.  Today.  (Because I read the Bible 3x?  Hmm.)

- The surrogate grandparent relationship set up with our Pastor's help is a big answer to prayer!  They brought pizza and root beer to us for dinner tonight.  Long time since we've had a pizza treat.  We were all a bit giddy about it.

- I didn't have to do any dishes tonight.  Whoopee!

- Beth's last molar came through.  I think that qualifies as a blessing.  She wakes up less to nurse now.  Bittersweet.   I can get more done in the evenings uninterrupted--a life changing turn of events.  But now, I wish she wouldn't sleep so long.  There are still two to three nursings between bedtime and morning, but who knows for how long?  Humans. Weird, eh?  We think we want something badly (uninterrupted chore time), but when we get it we want something different (endless nursing).

- I went to Walmart last week and a man referred to me as Baby Beth's mother!  Hear that?  Someone--a man no less--thinks I look young enough to be her mother!  My spirit soared that trip. (In case you're new here--Beth is 16 months, and I'm 44.  And yes, I'm Momma.)

- We have an angel at church who has given us $350 all together, in three gifts.  I think it's the grandparent couple, but I'm not sure--always anonymously.  I'm glad I don't know.  It's hard receiving gifts like that.  Really hard.  All my life I've given something back when someone has given a gift.  Just sitting back and receiving kills me.  Still.

Case in point.  The grandmother (surrogate--Eleanor) drove the boys to AWANA last week. She helps in AWANA every week with verses, and with the bookkeeping.   I can't go anymore; husband's schedule changed and he now has the van during that time.  I made sure I had homemade cookies ready to give her for helping me.  My need to give back seems so contrived.  So phony.  But it isn't phony.  It's a real desire to thank someone, even though it comes from an uncomfortable place inside me.  Something in me says, "Quick, give something back!"  Almost this panicky feeling.  Precisely why it took me so long to become a Christian, perhaps?  I couldn't accept the Something For Nothing plan?

Oh sure, grace through faith sounds like we are doing something.  We're doing faith, right?   But the faith comes from God, too!   We don't participate in the deal, really, except to put out our hand, like a beggar.  I'm glad I put out my hand to Jesus!  Praise God!

- I received a Fed Ex envelope from the mortgage company.  They might modify the loan (temporarily lower payments?) since our income went down.  I hate official paperwork, but tomorrow night I'll tackle it. Their gift isn't something for nothing, I'm sure; they'll make out in the end.  But for now...a blessing.

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