Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday funnies

I suspect my crew will open a bakery together someday.  The boys have talked about it, and the more we bake, the more convinced I am that their passion will endure.

They received spring cookie cutters in their Easter baskets, which we finally got around to using today.  Our recipe called for using powered sugar to help with the rolling, rather than flour.  Of course they all had to taste it.

Paul announced, "This is the best tasting sugar on the planet!  That's what they say!"

They do?

I caught her "reading" Scripture while enjoying a snack.  She's heard enough Psalms to come up with some Biblical-sounding language, courtesy of King David.  "Oh, my God!  Help me!   I love you Lord!"

That's my mantra often:  "Oh, my God!  Help me!"

You know your life might be getting a little easier when you send your 6- and 8-year-old boys to look up and print a recipe for buttercream frosting....and five minutes later, they hand it over.

"This one is uncomplicated, Mommy."

He's paranoid about raw egg germs, so he carefully chose an eggless recipe.

Kids!  What a blessing!  But the back-breaking cleaning involved in their endeavors?

So not fun.

Here, you'll find a funnier baking story.

The other day I sat down for five minutes to read a quick blog.  I noticed on my sidebar that a favorite blogger just posted five minutes before, but it was a post I had already read, posted on the previous day.  It was then I realized that every time I get back into a post to make corrections, it must show up on someone's sidebar as a new post.  Is that true?  I frequently find errors and make corrections after a post is in published form--I just find more errors and awkward sentences that way.

So anyway, if this blog is on your sidebar, pardon the constant reposting.  I think?

1 comment:

Terri Tiffany said...

You do such wondeful things with your children:) I have never heard of using sugar for something to roll cookies in and I think it wouuld be delicious!
I always smile when I read your posts. Such a good mom, I think.
I pray that other areas in your life are going wondeful as well!I'm learning to trust God more with the downs and try to choose how I respond though them more--with joy if I can.