Monday, December 7, 2009

ignoring the mess

We've been baking and blessing by day, AND I've had the writing bug for several nights straight--meaning I haven't been blessing the house....much.  Writing is a bittersweet endeavor at this stage of my life; I must do it.  The call is too powerful.  But, oh!  How I suffer when the house suffers!

Today is a school day and I must keep my blinders on--ignoring the call of the clutter and crumbs.  We've made it to our first break, which laundry by itself will absorb.

Most moms will tell you that the most challenging thing about homeschooling is the MESS.  Or rather, ignoring the mess.  When the day's lessons are complete, mom is emotionally exhausted, and suddenly cleaning is the last thing she feels like doing.

Did I mention how much I love homeschooling?

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